Naz DemirkılıçGeneration Z Trends in the Food Industry
Frea Naturalz founder Dr. stated that it is possible to predict what awaits the industry by examining the relationships between Generation Z and foods. Naz Demirkılıç; It deals with the behavior of this generation...
The generation that shapes the past, present and future, between 1997 and 2012
born, or in other words, Generation Z... This group, which constitutes 32% of the world's population as of 2020, has become one of the most powerful groups in the market, constituting 40% of global consumers. It is essential for the business world to closely follow Generation Z, which affects brands, sectors and all other generations with its behavior. As such, Generation Z is at the top of the strategic target audiences for all companies.
By examining the relationship between Generation Z and foods, it is possible to predict how the sector will be shaped and what kind of foods await us in the future. This generation defines eating and drinking as a way of expressing itself; They have a very close relationship with the foods they buy, consume or share online. In this context, it is not enough for them that food is just delicious or healthy. In order to establish a connection with the brand and product, they make sure that they reflect a similar environmental stance, political view and even cultural identity. Food products that will help them achieve this and convey their life experiences, history and identities are at the top of Generation Z's shopping list. Unlike other generations, this generation, born into a global world, can easily access cuisines from different parts of the world with the flick of a finger. This leads them to explore and seek new tastes. Brands with original tastes from different cultures and cuisines attract the attention of this consumer group, whose tastes are highly developed and international as a result of being born into a global and holistic world. For example; They are interested in spices that will take their taste adventure, which they describe as an experience, to the next level.
For this generation, who turned to the kitchen and discovered their love of cooking with the recent pandemic process, the term "homemade" means cooking from scratch by obtaining quality raw materials rather than mixing ready-made ingredients. The new generation cooks in this group are open to solutions that will make their work easier, save time and create shortcuts while exploring dishes from different cultures. Therefore, natural sauces, pastes and spice mixtures are among the product groups they are most interested in.
Generation Z; It is the work of parents X and Y, who strive to raise their children with "natural" foods. Therefore, this generation approaches food consumption holistically. For them, it is as important as the terms "fresh", "organic" or "sustainable" that every food they consume provides safe, honest and transparent information.
Generation Z; They want to be fed with clean, healthy and delicious snacks that can replace meals. A study conducted in 2019 showed that this generation has a healthy and delicious snack; He states that he describes it as an alternative to breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Generation Z is growing up with the awareness of how sensitive the world and the environment are. They make sure that the brands they prefer are offered in recyclable or environmentally friendly packaging. Therefore, companies targeting Generation Z are turning to alternatives such as recyclable packaging and edible straws to reduce environmental waste.
Generation Z consumers say the future of food means reducing our dependence on plastic and meat. Therefore, they prefer to consume plant or bio-based alternative protein options that have food conversion efficiency, produce lower greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute positively to environmental, food and nutrition security and a healthier lifestyle.
Based on all these points, it is obvious that Generation Z will lead us to a better future in today's world, where the themes of preventing food waste, sustainable nutrition and healthy food are gaining importance day by day. We know that with changing climate conditions and increasing world population, access to food will become more difficult day by day. On the other hand, when we consider the influence of Generation Z in the market, there is still reason to look to the future with hope.
Dr. Naz Demirkılıç